The Pain of Disappointment

2018-02-16T07:20:17-05:00December 10th, 2012|Categories: Leadership Tips|Tags: , , , , , , , |

To end an undefeated season, my former high school football team (Manalapan, NJ) played in the Central Jersey state sectional final last night.  This was their second consecutive year making the finals.  This was their second consecutive year coming up short. Clearly, everyone was disappointed…and disappointment HURTS!  (We really thought this would be the year [READ MORE]

Good Teams Beat Great Players

2018-02-16T07:20:18-05:00June 13th, 2011|Categories: Leadership Tips, Personal Development|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

(Here's an excerpt from my book, WIN: Simple Insights to Help You Win the Game of Life) I love team sports. Individuals work together in teams to accomplish a goal that no one person could do alone. I’ve been on some really good teams during my athletic career. Looking back, the best teams didn’t have [READ MORE]

Opponents are Great Team-builders

2018-02-16T07:20:18-05:00January 5th, 2011|Categories: Leadership Tips|Tags: , , , , , , |

Here's a great leadership tip if you're looking to build a stronger team.  Throughout my athletic career, I’ve had teammates that were very different from me. We came from different worlds, had different interests, and approached life from very different perspectives.  If we met on the street, there would be no apparent reason for us [READ MORE]

The Scoreboard

2018-02-16T07:20:21-05:00November 18th, 2009|Categories: Leadership Tips|

Here's a small "taste" of the presentation I shared at a recent leadership development conference. The title of the workshop was, Leadership Lessons from the Gridiron. Contrary to the traditional stereotype of the dumb jock, athletic success requires much more than physical speed, strength, and agility. There is a great deal of mental work that [READ MORE]

Good Enough Isn't Good Enough

2018-02-16T07:20:21-05:00November 16th, 2009|Categories: Leadership Tips, Personal Development|

Saturday's speech to the Saint Anselm College Ice Hockey Team in New Hampshire was an exciting challenge for me. Though I've addressed football teams and basketball teams in the past (sports that I played...and understood), I had never spoken to a hockey team. (Come to think of it...I've never even been ice skating before!) This [READ MORE]

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