Event Planning Resources

Watch Lee in Action

Excerpts from "5 Components of Extraordinary Teams"

No Trust... No Team

Only through open and honest communication can teammates establish trust. In the absence of trust, you don’t really have a team. Rather, you have a collection of individuals, serving their own interests.

Building Enduring Bonds

Team chemistry is critical. Using the analogy of a welder bonding heavy metals, I explain that heat and pressure – adversity and discomfort – are necessary elements in the process of building enduring human bonds.

Closing the Gap

Extraordinary teams are comprised of competitors – individuals who love to win and hate to lose. I define winning as meeting or exceeding what we are capable of as a team, rather than how we compare to others.

Excellence is a Habit

During the portion of my talk on the necessity of consistency, I leverage one of my favorite quotes by the philosopher, Aristotle. Consistency requires practice.

Let's Work Together

Step 1

Connect with Lee

Over a virtual call, we’ll discuss your event goals and theme, audience characteristics, partnership details, and of course, Lee's availability. 

Step 2

Provide Event Details

Lee will tailor his keynote and takeaways to your theme and your audience’s goals.

Step 3

Host Seamless Event

With 15+ years of speaking experience, Lee has designed his day-of routine to be stress-free for event organizers. Relax and enjoy.

Step 4


Following your event, Lee will meet to review feedback and exchange deliverables.

Promotion kit

Lee has organized all the materials you need to put on a stellar event.

* We promise you’ll never be spammed.

Speaker Packet

One Sheet

Resources to Download

Everything you need to successfully promote your event to your people.

Frequently asked questions

Can Lee customize his presentation for our audience?

Absolutely! “5 Components of Extraordinary Teams” is built for customization. While every organization deals with similar challenges, Lee will will thoroughly understand your team’s obstacles. The result will be a message that identifies and solves the most pressing problems inside your organization.

Yes. Unless he has another commitment, he will spend as much time with your team as possible. With more time spent with your team, the more ability to deliver a relevant message.

Yes. Over the last few years, Lee has finetuned his keynote to deliver the takeaways in an engaging manner – both in-person and online.

Lee has delivered keynotes to college sports teams, corporations, and professional associations. Scroll up to the top of this page to see just a few organizations and their testimonials.

The beauty of Lee’s keynote is its relevance across industries and organizations. Understanding that a family is a team, Lee has even shared his message at marriage workshops. Across the board, audiences have found this message both enjoyable and valuable. 

Of course. Lee will promote not only his keynote, but your entire event. In the past, he has created marketing videos, participated in pre-event podcasts, and has even written articles about his participation in the event.

No. Lee has chosen to focus on the subject of teamwork. “5 Components of Extraordinary Teams” is his signature keynote. However, he is able to deliver an additional keynote if you prefer a deeper dive on one or more of those five components.

Hungry! Lee does not have an ideal audience size or professional level. His message is perfect for small groups like your C-suite/senior leadership or for thousands of attendees like a professional association, conference, or an all-company meeting. The only requirement of the audience is their desire to improve.

These two moments are the best indicators of a keynote’s success: immediately after the talk and 3-6 months after the talk.

Of course, after Lee’s keynote, listening in on the ballroom conversation will reveal whether his ideas stuck with the audience.

Then, in a few months, attendees should have put Lee’s ideas into practice and noticed measurable results.

No one needs another lecture. Lee pointedly asks the audience to keep the event casual and conversational. He even asks for their participation several times throughout the talk. He does not use PowerPoint slides or video clips during his presentation because his style of humor, storytelling, and a genuine authenticity are far more engaging.

Lee is starting from the assumption that your team desires to be high-performing. He pulls insights from his experience on elite teams – athletically and professionally. While others may cover the basics of teamwork, Lee addresses nuanced ideas that will help your team stretch from where they are to where they could be. The topics discussed won’t be unfamiliar to many. But what makes Lee different is his ability to share memorable and practical tips infused with real-life stories and examples.

Lee enjoys speaking the way he likes to be spoken to. He believes the best speakers are authentic, service-oriented, and believe they have a message that will benefit the audience. This is how Lee describes his keynote talks.

A previous client sums up Lee’s style perfectly, “Two words: Insightful and engaging.”

Considering Lee For Your Event?

Fill out the form below, and you’ll meet with Lee to discuss your event, your goals, and how Lee can help you accomplish them.

Email lrubin@leerubinspeaks.com with any questions.